Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Summer's Closed

We've been having such great summer days that it's hard to find time to see the indoor exhibitions at Puke Ariki museum. We went to the show, "At the Beach: 100 years of summer fashion in New Zealand" on the last weekend before it closed and was refreshed by a new exhibit. The next day, we got tons of rain, here in New Plymouth, from a front of a cyclone. The day after that, we lost power for four hours due to strong winds. So... can we have an extension on the show and get our summer back?


  1. Made it just in time with my post, a few more seconds and would have posted my Summer sketches just after closing date!
    I'm loving your Summer drawings and descriptions/struggles on how to keep cool :)

  2. Thanks. My delicate Canadian metabolism doesn't always do that well in the heat!
