Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Urban Sketching in the Cityscape: June's Rooftop View Challenge

Finding the perfect spot for our monthly sketch outings is always a fun challenge for the Auckland Urban Sketchers' volunteers. This winter weather can be particularly unpredictable, so finding shelter from the elements is a top priority. Couple that with Urban Sketchers Prompts for July "Rooftop Views" and we find that car parks offer a unique solution! 

Multilevel city car parks can provide much-needed cover if the rain decides to join the party, plus a fantastic vantage point to capture the city from above. However, the downside can be the temperature. Let's face it, concrete jungles aren't exactly known for their warmth, and sometimes the chill can chase even the most dedicated sketchers away.

This was the case for our June meetup at the Downtown Carpark in the Auckland CBD. While our initial headcount promised a lively session with around 24 sketchers, the dropping temperatures and rain showers sadly whittled our numbers down to a determined dozen by the Throwdown - and no one can blame those who took an early exit - that temperature-drop was finger-numbingly decent.

The beauty of urban sketching is that there's always something to draw, no matter the location! 

The towering office blocks, charming old buildings, and townhouses provided a wealth of architectural details to capture. The expansive views of the harbour, the twisting tarmac of the multi-laned roadscape and even a peep of the bustling ferry landing added another layer of interest, and of course, the car park itself with its geometric concrete structures and parked vehicles offered a unique subject for those seeking a more direct approach.

The Throwdown, where sketchers share their completed works, truly highlighted the diversity of styles, preferences, and tools that come together in our group. Even a seemingly "uninspiring" location like a car park can spark creativity and lead to a fascinating range of artworks.

So, a big thumbs up to those who braved the mid-winter elements for our June meetup! Your dedication and artistic vision never cease to be amazing.

What are your thoughts on car parks as sketching locations? Let us know in the comments below, and stay tuned for the announcement of our sketching adventure in July! We're hoping for someplace warm :)

See more of the photos from our day at the Downtown Carpark on Urban Sketchers Auckland Facebook.


  1. How long do you meet for? There are some pretty intricate pictures in that lot!

  2. Hi Rachael - we officially start at 1 pm and gather again at 3.30pm for our "throwdown". Some people sure can get a lot of sketching/painting done in that time, that's for sure. We welcoming all levels and speeds :)
